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    Skip Rapp : Strategic Planning

    Skip Rapp

    Explain what your role at point6 is…
    Strategic planning and coordination with our CEO.

    Favorite point6 socks? Why?
    I don’t have a favorite because I wear a different pair everyday! I wear a medium weight hiking tech most often, however it depends on the season and what activity I am involved in.

    Favorite thing to do while wearing them?
    Hiking, skiing, cycling and just hanging out.

    Best vacation spot you have taken your point6 socks to?
    Cycling in the French Alps.

    Favorite inspirational quote?
    "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." – Albert Einstein

    Favorite local spot to wear your point6 socks?
    Skiing in Jackson Hole.

    When you leave the point6 office, what are you up to?
    Spending quality time with my family.

    If you could take your point6 socks anywhere in the world where would you go?
    Manchu Picchu in Peru.

    Favorite bit of wool trivia...
    Wool is the ultimate proof that nature’s got it right.